Yor Ryeter

[1: 361 of 10,000] What Do I Miss?

In Journal on September 12, 2011 at 9:41 AM

Being in the hospital for 7 days, what do I miss?

  1. My bed.
  2. My own bathroom.
  3. My laptop.
  4. My television.
  5. Adding tags for my blog posts.
  6. Publishing photos in my blog.
  7. Applying for new happy job.
  8. My closet.
  9. My youngest sissy.
  10. My home.

But, the above were not too important and too urgent in exchange of the following:

  1. Watch my mom’s wellness.
  2. Acting as a jester for my family at the hospital.
  3. Focusing on mom’s needs alone.
  4. Catching up with friends thru BBM conference.
  5. Brief blogging.
  6. Living House MD and Grey’s Anatomy in real life.
  7. Meeting new people.
    • Thank you Frizztext!!! Your encouraging words made my stay at the hospital a breeze and full of lessons to take care of our mom once we get home and we got home since last night. So thankful for the blessings. ♥

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