Yor Ryeter

Posts Tagged ‘Photo’

[1: 1,479 of 10,000] Photographs Trigger Emotions

In Article on May 27, 2015 at 12:10 PM


I was looking at old photos and it bring memories even if they are static things that don’t speak. I remember moments of joy, the only feeling I long from my personal collection.

I feel silly smiling and giggling going through each. The thoughts are so vivid that have more than what the lenses captured. It’s a web that create pictures in my head with the warm fuzzy feeling inside my whole being.

Move often, explore even more, and take more chances of the unknown. The mishaps and misadventures is the source of comedy that I was laughing about when I reminisce. Open your mind and heart to experiences because it is those surprises that make lasting joy. Don’t overthink. Plan but be adventurous enough to also let go of The Plan.

Life as I will always define it is full of wonders and I shall forever wonder! 🙂

[1: 1,465 of 10,000] Smug Or Smile

In Article on May 13, 2015 at 5:17 PM

Olsen Twins The Olsen twins are just one of the stars who don’t normally smile in front of the camera but when you inspect the above photos I’ve seen from Elle.com… what do you see?

Smug (picture on the left) They don’t really look arrogant but instead indifferent and almost cold. They seemed to hold so much emotions, just like Kanye West when he’s in trance and looking all serious for the sake of fashion and gaining respect?!

Smile (picture on the right, like you won’t figure it out) Their faces lighten up and I do like it when a normally uptight individual began to open up. It seems like there’s miracle in the world and everybody is happy. They looked warmer, younger, and simply happier.

Who wouldn’t want to be happy? Even those who are emotionally challenged ultimately long for happiness. My favourite part of the smiling lips are actually the equally jolly eyes!! Smiling makes you look beautiful and oh it helps if you have properly maintained teeth. It is a big plus that it comes with laughter (with cute giggle) that’s genuine because it shows a different radiance.

So whenever you have an option to smug or smile, choose the latter for far more benefits; except if you’re in a compromising place and it suggests something else. 😀

[1: 1,430 of 10,000] In My Kate Spade Bag Today

In List, Photo on April 6, 2015 at 11:36 PM

In My Kate Spade Bag I carry a lot in my Kate Spade black bag, let’s see –

  1. Navy Blue Tory Burch long wallet. The best wallet to not fold the paper bills, makes it very neat.
  2. Powder Blue Kate Spade wallet. I have a pretty good explanation for having a 2nd wallet. This is the wallet I simply grab if I plan to use a smaller bag and it has my essential cards from driving license to bank cards. It’s soft and very light so it’s almost irrelevant, weight wise.
  3. Mini Clarins Joli Rouge Soft Berry 705 lipstick.
  4. 2GB Everon USB stick, just in case!
  5. Apartment key with a Harrods double decker London bus key chain.
  6. Victoria’s Secret Bombshell 75ml Body Mist.
  7. Extra Sugarfree Chewing Gum Strawberry Flavor. Sugarfree but still sweet, if it’s not sweet or a fruity flavour, forget about offering it to me.
  8. Apple EarPods for convenient long overseas calls, particularly in Australia.
  9. Pilot V5 Hi-Techpoint 0.5 blue pen if I need to write about serious business matters.
  10. Pilot Twin Marker (Extra Fine & Fine) when I need to write on slippery pages or surfaces like a CD.
  11. Muji 0.38 powder blue pen, which I love to use when writing on my journal or organiser. I know I have 3 types of writing pens, it’s not a lot, each has its particular purpose. 😉
  12. Nokia phone for my ex-company to call or text me. I am trying to forget somebody from that office and containing myself to compulsively text him.
  13. iPhone 5s for my uber personal use.
  14. NAVA One Year of White Pages, I am now using the 4th (evident by the 4 holes at top right) month notebook, which is my daily gratitude journal and daily idea go to notebook. Love the leather like cover and the inside pages were soft sepia colour.
  15. Best Selling Authors Bootcamp by Bo Sanchez. I usually carry 1 book. Finished this today finally!!
  16. Muji Weekly Organiser.

What’s in your bag today? 😀

[1: 1,423 of 10,000] Food Instagrammer

In Photo, Review on March 25, 2015 at 2:53 PM

Moylo's Instagram is my favourite app and food, being one of the centre of my attentions, is one of my favourite subjects to double tap.

Why food? It gives me happiness in case you’re wondering or Simon Sinek called it biologically gives me dopamine shots that makes me happy. I love looking at food posts and I admire how they take the top shot of all the glorious food, drooling now with just imagining sumptuous food.

Above is my very first attempt to pretend that I am a food Instagrammer, a good one that gets thousands of likes. I visited Moylo’s, a famous burger joint here in Dubai, the crowned Prince of Dubai even made time to visit and signed a padlock. I used the top shot technique to fit the burger, the tiny amount of coleslaw, the diet Coke, the very delicious Truffle Fries with the special dip and a normal ketchup, the dry and wet tissues too, and it was quite strategic that I should get the colourful resto table.

I was a little embarrass taking the photo while a man waiting for his order was sitting so close to my table, I was shy that he might think people these days do not grab their burger when it arrives, they take out their phone and take a photo. Is it worth it that I cared what he thought of my choice of action? Is it bad that I wasn’t respecting my food as soon as it arrived? Nah! I was enjoying life and I would not have something to post and share to the blogosphere world if I didn’t take that slight 2 minutes or less to snap just what I was about to eat. Plus my food wasn’t cold when I dive into it.

I was enjoying life and in everything we do, I think that should be the key, did we enjoy it, if yes, fuck everything else. Did I harm anybody, no, then I may do it again probably in a slightly different way, I’ll order another set from the menu! What do you think?

[1: 1,382 of 10,000] My Basis of Liking in Instagram

In Review on December 6, 2014 at 4:03 PM

My sissy said I like Instagram post too much, like it was quite easy for me to like a post.

I don’t think I do, maybe I love Instagram and the delight of looking at photos around the world, but I do have my standards for liking a post if that’s even a valid point of view.

Let me walk you through with the below photos.

I am obsessed with quotes. I will probably die and utter an aphorism for my last breath. But any quote that doesn’t ring true to me or probably didn’t learn yet, or I simply don’t get doesn’t get a double tap. Below from thegoodquote definitely got a heart.

Instagram 1

I follow Sezyilmaz and he usually post exotic photos but the below doesn’t really thrill me. I don’t like the filter, I don’t like the cup, and I simply don’t like the whole concept since it lacks originality. How many hands and a cup have I seen? A lot that I’ve done it myself that it doesn’t impress me anymore.

There are times where a certain user posts that consecutively unattractive, unappealing, too commercial, ugly posts that I immediately, un-reluctantly “unfollow.”

Instagram 2

And there are those that post sweet photos like coffee table book that I look over my iPhone or MacBook. It’s too charming, sweet, and amazingly lovable not to declared and stamped with my heart.

Instagram 3


What is your main rule of liking an Instagram post?

[1: 1,326 of 10,000] A Touching Recreation

In Article on June 21, 2014 at 11:38 AM

Beautiful Recreation

The photo above was “Ali & Ben” and “Olivia & Ben”.

Ali, the mommy, died of a rare lung cancer and before Olivia, the only daughter, and Ben finally decided to leave their home filled with memories, they’ve decided that Ali’s sister Melanie, a photographer, recreate some photos from the wedding.

If I am Olivia and when I grew up, I would love my Dad and Aunt who gave me something that I could especially share with my Mom through an artwork when I was at my cutest and most innocent age.

The details are adorable and see how the recreation paired the Daughter-Daddy with red shoes.It is very charming to bring back memories that usually could stir some sadness but still giving hope for beautiful present and future.

For more story and photos, click here.

[1: 1,290 of 10,000] Laid Back

In Photo on February 2, 2014 at 7:54 PM

This Burberry Ad reminds me of a good weekend that is happily relaxing.


The little girl’s twisted arm, bright blue eyes, innocent smile, cozy clothes (fashionable too in this case), laying comfortably and recklessly relaxed. It is such a wonderful sight and I can’t wait to go back to my bed now and just lay there – happy and not thinking about tomorrow or any of the long list of worries.

[1: 1,250 of 10,000] What Does Jesus Got In His Sleeve?

In Article on December 24, 2013 at 9:48 PM

Jesus and a Girl

This is a very simple illustration that perfectly described how Jesus loves us and will give what is best for us. Jesus doesn’t immediately give it unless we give up what we have. Jesus doesn’t push unless we allow him. He always gives us the choice, so are we ready to take a leap and accept his NEW gift?

It is easy to say YES that we see the picture being the third person of the photo but it is a lot more difficult if we don’t know what’s hidden, our doubts and fears speak louder that it wouldn’t be better than what we already have, and then we cry out why was I forgotten?

If I could end this post on a very loving positive note – God is love and we should always be ready to be loving and trusting of His gifts because it gets better and better all the time. Even the challenges, we may think it is not the right one but there is definitely a reason to better us.

[1: 1,220 of 10,000] Photograph That Speaks

In Photo on November 24, 2013 at 12:23 PM

Powerful Photo

This is a photograph of a child from Africa being reached out by a healthier human being.

Seeing photos like the above makes you reassess how are we being human when we could actually see that there are people out there that need our help. How could we actually help one another that change the world? That could actually change us too for the better…

Are we dedicating our life to simply aim for what would make us comfortable? Or could we account to be more compassionate and look after those who can’t help themselves?

Is dying due to hunger or extreme poverty a problem of the government? Or is it a problem that we all need to pitch into worldwide? Aren’t we informed enough and courageous enough to find out others who live differently than we do?

Something is quite disturbing in the picture. Who do we save first? My answer is ourselves, we should keep ourselves with a heart full tanked with love, be the person we want to love, and then reach out to help. It would be nice to help with a ripple, strategise to create a real impact of true change, to make an effort of 20% but a result of 80%.

I know God sees them, hears them, I know He loves them, I believe this image existed not because He condones poverty and hardship, but He wants us to be truly compassionate that would make us feel worthy that we have the power as we are made in His true image and likeness. This is my thought, what do you think?

[1: 1,162 of 10,000] Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning!

In Photo, Review on October 1, 2013 at 12:00 AM

This delicious bun from PappaRoti is a definite winner for breakfast giving a real Good Morning!

The bun was ridiculously amazing. It is perfectly crisp on the outside, a real softly fluffy in the inside, a hidden subtle butter awaits at the center, and beautifully drizzled with a choice from chocolate, honey, etc. The wooden platter is cozy pretty too. ♥ 🙂
