Yor Ryeter

Archive for the ‘Journal’ Category

[1: 2,082 of 10,000] Two Become One

In Journal on January 23, 2024 at 1:07 PM

Life is a marriage between dreaming and acting, as well as receiving and giving. Doing one without the other will not feel complete; something will always be missing.

The BEING is our feminine energy, while the DOING is our masculine energy, and both energies are within us. The moment they intertwine with one purpose, life becomes meaningful and fulfilling.

Balancing the stillness and passion are gloriously dancing with life’s magic.

I started life more inclined to master my masculine energy, but work lost its meaning. I was missing the other half, so for the last 3 years, I tend to my feminine energy, and it feels nourishing. In 2024, my word is BALANCED because I intend to keep these two aspects of myself equally cared for and fully expressed.

[1: 2,081 of 10,000] Don’t Compare

In Journal on January 16, 2024 at 7:01 PM

Don’t compare your journey to another person because you’ll never know the complete story of another soul. You only see a glimpse of what is revealed and visible; from there, you can only grasp from your lens, depending on your point of view.

Instead, develop a healthy self-belief that you’re building your life precisely the way you want to narrate it. You may look on your left and right for inspiration, but the spirit of your story is coming and following your heart.

You know your dirty laundry so well, but it shouldn’t diminish your worth but add up to your spice of life. Your struggles and so-called mislabeled mistakes are every bit part of what made you uniquely you, bolder and changed.

Next time you feel like lowering your chin, remember to pull it back up, stand proud that you’re showing up, and it’s not the end until your very last breath.

[1: 2,076 of 10,000] I Used To Fear Ending

In Journal on February 4, 2023 at 2:32 AM

In my early days at work, I experienced people leaving their job, including me, several times, which made me sad. In my perception, when things are doing fantastic, like everything is at the right place, why change it? Then I realized now that I don’t control people and an ending is necessary to have a new beginning, a wonderful experience.

I now celebrate the ending, even death, because I know that a new life blooms right after. I acknowledge that some ends break our hearts, and we need to heal, recover, and become stronger at the other end. The ending changed us to grow and evolve as soulful human beings, and I like it!

Photo by Elyssa Fahndrich on Unsplash

[1: 2,075 of 10,000] Romancing Life

In Journal on January 31, 2023 at 1:22 PM

I feel all stretches of emotions, both my own and others. It enchants me to witness the magic of love in action. I believe the world can open up for more moments that leave us sighing, smiling, and melting in the arms of pure love.

I feel the story of things, whispering history, inviting me to engage and play, and drawn to listen more. I hear love, struggles, and transformations that bring new life and delight to new spectators.

I feel the energy around me and within me. When I am silent enough, I find the peace that no one can take away and devotion and connection to the Divine.

Photo by Omar Sotillo Franco on Unsplash

[1: 2,073 of 10,000] Silver Hair and Bangs

In Journal on May 17, 2022 at 5:17 PM

I went to a new hairdresser to have a new flavor of style. I met Melanie.

My hair was over the shoulder and I want to lighten up so I went for the shortest bob possible. The part came when she asked whether I like bangs and I answered no but she misunderstood and cut it.

Part of me was curious what bangs would look like since I’ve never gotten them again for years but the adult in me protest.

I didn’t make a big fuss about the one swoop of sheer because hair grows anyway. I do recognize though the comedy that I’m relating bangs with being a child and my sparse silver hairs say otherwise.

I’ve been coloring my hair since my late 30s to hide my silver hairs but this time I am being wise with my spending and at the same time facing how to show up authentically starting with showing my true hair colors.

It’s unnerving that I’m judging that my hair isn’t in its immaculate condition. I’m going to observe what will come first. (1) Will I color it again or (2) accept and appreciate the present locks that continue to grow.

[1: 2,072 of 10,000] Unraveling Irony

In Journal on May 15, 2022 at 12:32 AM

I used to wonder why irony exists.

Part of me wants a world that’s black and white. I am not a fan of grey area, it’s too vague and unnerving like a relationship status declaring “it’s complicated”.

I never forgot the story about a fisherman who was resting in a hammock. A businessman saw him and spoke about how he could dramatically expand his business into an empire. The humble fisherman inquired then what will I do after I’ve become the richest that I can be? The businessman answered then you can rest in your hammock.

The fisherman’s story looks like asking whether to pursue a simple life now or later? But to a person like me who has an interest in creating a business empire, I would push the boundary that a balanced life will have both wanting an improved life while practicing self-care at the end of each day.

The epiphany, there is no right or wrong answer. There’s no right or wrong path. There’s only experience that I can enjoy and keep improving. There’s an invitation that right now whatever feels right, be it. And my choice might look completely different than yours and that’s okay.

Our different choices are exactly what makes this world, this universe, and the collective consciousness keep evolving. And that’s perfect and beautiful. Keep honoring your own path!

[1: 2,068 of 10,000] Let Nature Be Free

In Journal on October 18, 2021 at 10:01 AM

I was in a WhatsApp Group, and one of the members saw a beautiful bird that accidentally flew into his office, and he decided to put it in a cage. Another wise member commented it was free, playing and exploring, and now a prison. It was a profound moment for me that these two people were teaching a valuable lesson.

We are all beautiful creatures free to explore, but we even choose to cage ourselves in situations that halt us from moving forward and growing in the moment.

We see beautiful humans, and we try to capture their essence in our grip; in our watchful eye, they couldn’t breathe. Love is free and allows the flow of life to happen, and we become a witness, not a control freak that stops our soul evolution.

May we find our strength in our uniqueness and courage to let each other blossom in our natural environment. Let nature be free, including the breathing human.

[1: 2,067 of 10,000] The Moment I Created Space

In Journal on October 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM

I’ve created space in my life that I allow life to flow. It’s a glorious feeling that I don’t doubt it because the peace emanating from within me is so strong I bathe in it with much delight. Just when I thought my art of allowing can get any better, it does and I’m so excited to share to everyone how to experience it.

It’s unapologetic but instead graceful in reflecting unconditional love back at me. There’s pureness in its language that there is no rush nor constraint only relaxed breathing space for energy to dance and play. What a journey that I’ve been through and then here I am, beaming with light.

I’m like a new born baby appreciating every tickle I grab out of life. Going back to an innocent eyes yet wide awake of how people thrive. I feel the dreams being created, planted, and shout out loud back to the Universe to be created and they’re glorious. Start with having fun and see the tragic comedy as a teacher with life lesson to be appreciated.

It’s an exhilarating blazing life in a beautiful world, join it! Offer what makes you joyful, offer it what frustrates you, offer it your creation, offer it your pain, and most of all offer it your reverence. Reverence you asked? Why not, you’re part of its co-creator.

[1: 2,065 of 10,000] My Choice Is My Life

In Journal on October 12, 2021 at 8:26 PM

I noticed that I have mental patterns like tempted to make excuses, put the blame on someone when I’m hurt, take on victim mentality, or simply pack up and leave without looking back. With those protective patterns, I know that I have to grow if I want to live free and empowered.

Life goes on with or without me, it just moves and evolves, the question is will I participate?

What I make out of my life starts from my decision whether it involves an action or inaction. It would be best that I am conscious and take responsibility in every choice that I make. It’s truly liberating the moment I stopped looking outside of myself and check in what do I really love, what is my truth.

It’s a beautiful world and I’d like to participate, to contribute my romance of optimism and curiosity, to create stories and poetries, and to hold space for love and forgiveness to rise. I’m healing every constraining patterns I’ve accumulated and inherited and it’s time for a rebirth to show others the way of lighting up and bloom where ever we are.

[1: 2,062 of 10,000] Plum Wine and Japan

In Journal on August 19, 2021 at 9:59 PM
When all I can use my AWAY cabin luggage is to hang my bags, dreaming traveling from a Tivoli poster and drinking Plum Wine from Japan

I’m drinking a four-year old plum wine from Japan tonight. Japan was the last country I’ve visited in February 2020 before the worldwide pandemic started. One sip of this sweet wine and I’m transported back to memories of good food and a broken heart.

I was told my past life was a merchant who travels a lot and enjoyed a comfortable life. If I don’t play my card right, I’ll be replicating the same thing, which would be a shame for the sake of human experience and not taking advantage of varieties. I know myself that I’m not a fan of repetition but there’s just one thing though I also need to overcome my willpower weakness.

Despite being a true adventurous at heart, I have a strong pull for foundation, rhythm and security. It sounded like being responsible to have a comfortable home, being out of debt, have friends that I can call and yet I have to keep questioning all my beliefs and redefine what I truly desire.

It all boils down to being creative and fine a new way of being. Speak up what’s in my heart and be courageous to go after what’s keeping my driven, not because I’m proving something to someone but because I have my own desire to make a new path that I feel drawn and I want my light to shine upon.

For days I’ve been questioning why do I choose to be alive? What’s the plan now? I’m cozy and comfortable but I don’t feel like I’m contributing enough, and then I pulled back and quiet myself, it was never about doing so much or so little, it was always about experiencing everything in the moment. It’s not missing the awe-ness of the fleeting second that will never come back but a memory.

There’s beauty in cycle. There’s sacredness in being part of life, yes, even if it’s just breathing without expectations or destinations. Enough about being too rigid of always accomplishing only to detest that I’ve never stopped to rest, to appreciate where I am. I’m tired competing even to myself without pausing to see the vision of the big picture.

Yet after some rest, I’m ready to keep moving again. My muse finally arrived.