Yor Ryeter

[1: 437 of 10,000] So is William Shakespeare a sham?

In Article on November 14, 2011 at 12:00 AM

When I read about The Daily Post prompt entitled “Do you think Shakespeare existed?” and going through the movie Anonymous – it was actually the first time wherein I learn that William Shakespeare’s reputation is being tainted with he didn’t actually write the great literature he was recognized and admired for.

If it’s true that someone really wrote those beautiful pieces then shame on the real writer who used another person for his magnificent work and shame on Shakespeare who claimed the glory of somebody – it would have been just better that the real writer used Anonymous or a pen name.

But come to think of it, it happened a long time ago and both persons no longer exist today. Are we really appreciating a great written piece based on the person who wrote it? Or are we going to appreciate its beauty and savor it? Do we really need to care if the real authors weren’t honest?

How about what if it was William Shakespeare all along and he was misjudged for his brilliance? I think shame on us for doubting him.

Maybe there are things that we’ll never really know but for now I am grateful that Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream existed and made me love arts, words, humor, tragedy, and romance. And for now, I thank William Shakespeare for it who proclaimed to be the by line.

Writers are brilliant people and they definitely have reasons for doing what they do and most of the time I hope it is for the honor of the art and not much about the pride he takes for himself. I know this last paragraph stirs eye rolling or invites smear and ridicule – so I say the two words again – I HOPE.

  1. Nah, he’s legit. We’re just intoxicated with conspiracy. If even half of the conspiracy theories were true, we’d all be infinitely more intelligent than we are, as a human race, for conspiring so often and so well.

  2. Writers are brilliant people and they definitely have reasons for doing what they do~ what a great statement. We are all unique and have our own voices with our writing and our individual styles.
    I am just now catching up on all of my comments, thanks for being patient with me….God is not finished with me yet…. ~Jackie

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