Yor Ryeter

[1: 95 of 10,000] Truth

In Article on February 13, 2011 at 11:10 AM

The Daily Post asked the question have you ever lied about your age?

It’s a resounding NO. I just don’t see the advantage of saying the wrong age. Everybody should be proud of what they’ve accomplished all through the years. If there are questionable decisions somewhere, then be grateful that you still got time to correct it or what are you still doing and not asking for help anyway.

I am an optimistic person, lying about age is like not being truthful not only on the person infront of you but to yourself. There is a reason why certain limits are set for certain activities because it is for our own good. I am talking about fake ID just to try club and drinking at a completely wrong age. Things have their proper time so live responsibly. For the matter of look, if they say a younger age, admit the right one and you’ve inspired someone or just killed the person with envy (depends on the commentator real personal feelings); but if the age is older and you think it was no bias but all truth, it’s a good wake up call to start living healthier 😉

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