Yor Ryeter

[1: 1,463 of 10,000] Nervous & Excited Are A Good Mix

In Article on May 11, 2015 at 2:19 PM


I am both nervous and excited, those are a good mix right?

I’ve always wanted my privacy. I don’t mix well with people. Using social media (as a start) I am trying to discover people I don’t even know and leaving the judgment out of the house. I’ve added friends I will normally avoid and I couldn’t imagine the horror of seeing posts I’ve never wanted ever to see. There is no nice way to present germs to make a point, drop an impact, but does it really need to be grossed? Or that’s simply reality with no sugar coats. I kind of don’t want reality if that’s the case, shall I go back to my bubble? NO, too soon!

I am mixing things up. How could I possibly call myself daring if I continue to be too picky? I have to learn to be open so I may discover new things but it doesn’t necessarily mean I needed to be emotionally attached. I have that tendency, to feel too hard and too soon. Hence, I need to practise and in some ways I may influence with my pure intentions. Or find my niche and stick to it.

It’s a happy funny life, I just need to chill and enjoy, while I put real effort all the time. To also have the positive attitude that I see a part of me in everybody else.

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