Yor Ryeter

Posts Tagged ‘Daily Post’

[1: 1,852 of 10,000] Enjoy Writing

In Article on January 7, 2017 at 3:08 AM

Since New Year I was able to write a post daily and it felt good like I got my discipline in check but it’s only the 7th, kind of too early to tell I’m in it.

My blog always start from a Notes app that I saved as 10K BLOG. I start from Notes just to keep track of my file naming that started with number code, I’m almost reaching 2,000 posts.

My lazy ass usually makes excuses that I don’t need to be blogging daily if I don’t want to or can’t because it is never an obligation; but  I wanted to be better with my writing and it makes me happy to blog. This year I made a simple addition to my note just above my title, I reminded myself to “Enjoy Writing”. It is a simple two words and yet it planted a fire in my heart that I have the joy to publish a post without any pressure.

This blog is for me and whoever happens to drop by and pick up a little something out of it is the bonus.
