Yor Ryeter

Posts Tagged ‘Post’

[1: 1,852 of 10,000] Enjoy Writing

In Article on January 7, 2017 at 3:08 AM

Since New Year I was able to write a post daily and it felt good like I got my discipline in check but it’s only the 7th, kind of too early to tell I’m in it.

My blog always start from a Notes app that I saved as 10K BLOG. I start from Notes just to keep track of my file naming that started with number code, I’m almost reaching 2,000 posts.

My lazy ass usually makes excuses that I don’t need to be blogging daily if I don’t want to or can’t because it is never an obligation; but  I wanted to be better with my writing and it makes me happy to blog. This year I made a simple addition to my note just above my title, I reminded myself to “Enjoy Writing”. It is a simple two words and yet it planted a fire in my heart that I have the joy to publish a post without any pressure.

This blog is for me and whoever happens to drop by and pick up a little something out of it is the bonus.


[1: 1,819 of 10,000] My Post Inspiration

In Article on November 30, 2016 at 6:24 AM


Yesterday was my blog’s sixth year anniversary. My personal aim of starting this blog was to practice writing everyday so I build discipline and on hindsight to hopefully my passion radiates enough that it is able to inspire a reader.

I have not been very good at my goal of writing everyday like 370 posts short, yeah it’s like saying I have not blog for more than a year in total, do I go back and declare this my fifth year anniversary. Oh well, I got on the way, my excuses are I was coping with works and I have not been getting the proper energy to sit still and let my muse get to work.

Do you write a blog daily? It’s not always easy from my end. This blog doesn’t have a particular theme so I get to write about anything that speaks to me once I’ve open the writing page. I sometimes keep a list of topics that I intend to tackle eventually but most of the time they get discarded because I do dive into a piece once I am in that moment to write.

The happiest times for me is when the flow is just perfect. A subject rush through my mind and flows through my screen. Those were magical moments that the string of ideas come right out without labor pain. The surprising part is after sometime and I forgot that I’ve even written about it and will be amazed to contemplate and ask “That is nice, did I really write that?”

I have my dry moments like my muse didn’t show up for the day and I do push to get a post out of me even if it’s a short one but profound. Like what they say in Masterchef, if you are making the simplest dish like an omelette; it got to be the most delicious omelette that would blow the judges’ taste buds. For moments that I’ve tried to write something wonderful and it fall short, I simply forgive myself and move on with the intent that I should do better next time.

My tip on where do I get everything that I write about… I live life and then share it. Go try something for the first time, read and listen, interact with various people, and then write.

Here’s a toast to all my 1,819 posts!

[1: 1,458 of 10,000] The Day I’ve Arrived

In Article on May 6, 2015 at 7:12 AM

Arrived By Design Shack

Blog frenzy, I’ve already made previous calculations that it will take me a little bit of forever to complete my first batch of 10,000 posts if I’m making just one blog post daily. (Current count: 14.58% completed since November 29, 2010 and no I’ve not been religiously blogging daily since then.)

There were moments that I go ballistic and post more than one especially if strong ideas kept flowing into me that I just have to write them down. Yesterday, I could have written 3 posts and yet I stopped for practical reason. I have other goals that I want to accomplish, blogging is my one thing that doesn’t pay me financially but I do it for the love of creating and writing, so I stopped with one and have written the essence of the 2 other posts for the following days.

My consolation for letting one blog post to come out daily is to let the article simmer and get the due attention and respect if it may really gather. There were people who subscribed in this blog and I wonder what they think that Yor is getting crazy posting more than one today!!?

It will be the day that I have arrived if I would just be blogging for a living and people actually get wonderful inspiration from it. And then I blog anywhere I want to be, with drinks on my hand, with feet up high, a smile on my lips, and my hair smelling like the beach.

[1: 1,448 of 10,000] Thank You Very Much For The Likes, Comments & For Subscribing

In Article on April 26, 2015 at 7:49 AM


Thank you very much for every one who visited my blog, clicked the “like,” left a “comment,” and stepped even further by “subscribing.” It’s heart warming knowing someone took the time to leave a piece of themselves for me. I am only a stranger with the absence of my name-as-written-on-my-registered-official-birth-certificate in this blog; but every feeling I have poured translated into every post where genuine and so you have met my heart.

It is fascinating that people from different countries get directed to my blog. The point that they have liked a post makes me feel that you have understood me and I hope in return I have given something to you too that you appreciate or I have awaken something in you that made you smile a little more and your heart magically expands and glows a little more.

There are moments that those mini effort that you have made, my visitors, immensely gave gratification and add hope in me to move on forward. The most memorable “like” are for the posts that I bared my vulnerabilities and shaming myself online just to see my actions in words and the point that someone read and liked it, kept me a little stronger to decide wisely of my next actions.

Thank you very much.

[1: 983 of 10,000] I Am Writing Short Blog Posts

In Article on April 7, 2013 at 12:00 AM

600-00983734I love writing short blog posts because it is tiring to make a long one (just being honest here because I don’t have the time for in depth research all the time). Also, I myself usually felt dragged if I see an ultimate long post to finish and absorb.

I keep my entries short and on the dot, I don’t go around about the topic and just make sure I put the essential in one quick article that is easy to grasp and relate to.

Keep it short in delivering a message. I also find it more rewarding to see a short post that got it all and no longer require blings just to fill a space but could still successfully elicits the goal of the writer.