Yor Ryeter

Posts Tagged ‘Law of Attraction’

[1: 2,011 of 10,000] Happy Here Right Now

In Article on November 12, 2020 at 8:40 PM

I am happy to where I am. I do have my desires but they are never going to be a reason that something is missing. It would be a lie if I don’t admit that I was that person too, wanting to have everything that I could ever dream of and then the world is right.

Today, I’m fully committing enjoying where I am right now. I’ll paint the scene right this fleeting moment, I’m typing this blog, an activity that’s always making me contented, Google is playing a Christmas song, I’m having a glass of my favorite chilled plum wine from Japan, and it’s Thursday night in Dubai so it’s officially a weekend.

I am gradually evolving not to focus on I will only be happy when I have a place where I can put my root because that’ll screw up the Law of Attraction. I am speaking this law not in a nonchalant way because it’s a natural order with a cycle, I place the order, the Universe receive it, depending on what I cook up in my mind it will be delivered at exactly the precise moment (divine timing is definitely at play), and the final end of the stick is will I be vibrationally aligned in order to receive without resistance.

I’m not to be worried that am the last one who isn’t married amongst my girlfriends. This year, I pressured myself to finally give relationship a chance. I’m so clueless about it that I even got a love coach, only to discover of how to heal myself from all my walls and any childhood trauma residue I never realized I have. Making dating like one of my business projects, I gave it a timeline, yet discovering I attracted the same kind of people, not really ready to be in an equal give and take relationship because I wasn’t ready. So, I have to go on a hermit mode and reassess what do I truly need, how do I want to be loved. The answer is learning to parent my inner child, shower myself with self-love and self-care, and then having somebody who recognize that is the bonus, not the destination.

The fastest way to always stay in my happy mood is having a grateful heart, never cease looking for every single bit that I appreciate. I love the morning sunlight that kisses my skin when I open the balcony door. I was laughing my heart out listening to Brent Morin joking about Bradley Cooper and how women are beautiful but mean.

It’s not going to be good all the time and in moments that I feel off, I will be wise to stay in the discomfort. I will be a witness of what’s going on within me, how my body reacts, and then give myself to move the energy like get a bathe, move, or seat in stillness.

[1: 1,981 of 10,000] My Current Favorites That Make My Heart Sings

In List on March 21, 2020 at 6:33 AM

Yor Ryeter Matcha Ice Cream

Soft served ice cream from Japan and the green one is Matcha with gold dusting, fancy huh! 😛

I’m in charge of what I feel! It’s my responsibility to find a better feeling thought. One of the secrets of feeling good is making a list of your favorites. Another secret, if you’re feeling good it’s the best time to manifest anything you want and make that Law of Attraction works for you.

  1. I love ice cream and I love the Matcha soft serve ice cream in Japan.
  2. I love the Amazing Day song of Coldplay that I’ve only discovered lately.
  3. I love my new Dior Rose Des Vents bracelet with malachite stone. It’s a lucky one!
  4. I love my grey Stella McCartney tee shirt, so soft!
  5. I love flowers, they brighten my day!
  6. I love notebooks and I have 8++ active ones for different subjects.
  7. I love my Dubai apartment and in times like this that working at home is advisable I’m so grateful that I’m in a space that I so love!
  8. I love words!
  9. I love and grateful to all my guardian angels guiding and surprising me!
  10. I love my life!

What’s yours?

[1: 1,344 of 10,000] Best eBook I Have Read

In Review on September 13, 2014 at 11:28 AM

how-life-works-by-andrew-matthewsI am grateful that moment directed me to buy the eBook “How Life Works” by Andrew Matthews. I encourage you to buy the eBook or if you prefer paperback, go ahead too. Disclaimer: I am not a reseller of Andrew Matthews and I also don’t get any commission for recommending him; all I get is the pleasure that I hope this eBook would touch you and show you wonders to have an amazing life from this point onward.

It’s not a magical book but how the world works with us in it is definitely ‘magical’. I am sure you have known a lot of the contents from other materials but what I am grateful that I get it and I love it. I don’t adore everything but there is so much that boozed AHAs. I am a type of person who remember things in an incredibly cray cray way but the way he combined humour, cartoon, spot on statements, cites good life examples, and research made it worked and believable.

Here are some of my favourite thoughts from the eBook –

  • The Universe is an energy system, constantly bringing itself into balance. Every time you have a thought, you shift the balance. The balance restores itself as your thoughts materialise. Whatever you put into the Universe will be reflected back to you.
  • Life unfolds from the inside out. The thoughts in your head become a FEELING in your heart. Good things happen when we are feeling good. We attract what we feel. Excitement makes things happen fast. If it’s exciting, we keep thinking about it, and attract it. Emotion sets your dream in motion. All those things that you have been feeling excited about are still moving toward you. You just need to keep the feeling until you land them in you.
  • Action is thought in motion. Action accelerates results.
  • Relax. Be grateful, forgive people, love more, quit blaming everyone else, quit blaming ourselves and believe things will work out! This is how you become a magnet for everything you want. When you feel calm and protected, you are protected. Meditate because meditation is the ultimate excessive in detachment and feeling good. The trick to the game of life is to feel happy, grateful and detached. Nature doesn’t understand desperation! Nature seeks balance, and you can’t be desperate and balanced.
  • Love is the fabric that holds the Universe together. When you are motivated by LOVE and when you are serving others, you are in harmony with the Universe and your plans unfold with much less effort. People who feel loved believe they deserve to be loved. When you find love, you are in the present. And if you can find the present, you find love.
  • We are each a divine, loving, powerful spirit in a body. When we forget this, life hurts. It is life’s way of getting us back on track. Logic will tell you, “If I accept this rotten moment I will be stuck with it forever!” In fact, the reverse is true. Acceptance allows you to move on. What happens when you accept what IS? Frustration dissolves into fascination. You still have challenges, but they resolve themselves almost effortlessly.
  • Will success make me happy? No. You have to be happy first. You have to like yourself first. Happiness makes you successful.
  • What is my goal? To think like God thinks. To love like God loves. To create like God creates.