Yor Ryeter

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[1: 1,348 of 10,000] The Good Thing About Every New Day

In Journal on September 21, 2014 at 12:03 AM

New DayLife isn’t always perfect the way I want it to be. I sometimes do so many things in a day that I tell myself that was totally off Yor. I don’t regret but I apologise and move on. And moving forward is the very essence why I love every new day. The sun sets, I rest, I stay still and subtle in my slumber, and when I wake up usually with new energy and answers then I stand up again.

In my 34 years of living, life fascinates me and it teaches me. I want so many things done, no matter how bad I wanted to delegate, it just doesn’t work, so I stop putting expectations and I ask God to give me the ability and the boost of energy to just get things done without waiting. I just have to work one more challenge, the blaming part or the words of “you could have helped me.” I will find joy that I accomplish things, and if I am capable of finishing small things, wait up dreams I am going to claim you pretty soon!

Start. Every thing just needs to start and I cannot wait for other people to do it for me. I got to believe in myself and just start. Stay focused and be the greatest being that I can be –

  1. Getting healthy. I started putting an effort to do a sit-up of 50 today, eat healthier food like enough with too much soft drinks and more on water, and like what I have to do in a few minutes sleep soundly on my bed everyday without bargaining.
  2. Write a best-selling book while I am in Dubai.
  3. Tithe 10%, Invest 20%, and Live with 70%.
  4. Be kinder to everyone around me. Be tough but still kind.
  5. Buy a lot and build my home.
  6. Take responsibility and never disappoint anyone especially myself for procrastinating and losing focus on anything and everything.
  7. Pray to say how grateful I am for all the blessings.
  8. Be courageous and persevere. Be honest and be smart. Never stop learning of the good things.
  9. Love without measurement and judgment.
  10. Breathe.

[1: 1,347 of 10,000] YES

In Journal on September 19, 2014 at 8:17 PM


A confident YES is like an addictive drug to me.

I have problem saying NO to work. I am a lunatic for taking so much responsibilities. I know it is drowning me at times but I don’t like to give up and I don’t want to believe that I couldn’t handle it on my own turf. I know that no one could help me but myself and the wonderful help of the universe. I am in search of the perfect assistant right now and I know that I will find her this month.

I treat life like a movie, you know where everything is magical, full of drama, and surrounded with excitement in every scenario. I love life like a movie where there is no boring corners, no pauses for non-scenamatic reason, and no dead films. And my favourite part of every great movie is there is always challenge so great it is so rewarding when it gets solved awesomely!

I love what I am really feeling right now. I am very happy, at peace, and living in the present. I am reading the book “A New Earth” and though it is hard to read, probably my cray cray ego doesn’t want me to learn it, it opens a lot of truth. I am grateful that I live a better life every time.

[1: 1,346 of 10,000] Charlie Changed Me

In Review on September 19, 2014 at 7:31 PM

For the past months, I am going to a motion that I really don’t like. My hired car lift for work gave the greatest headache and annoyance for being absent for a lot of time, so it forced me to finally hurry and get myself a car. It is my first ever car and it is a joint custody with my lil sissy. We got ourselves a pre-owned 2010 Mini Copper 50 Camden special edition!!!


We named it “Charlie” in honour of The Italian Job movie; it’s Mark Wahlberg’s character’s name but we are also thinking about the pretty Charlize and definitely the bad ass performance of the Mini. I love Charlie, my sweetest dearest beloved Baby!

  • It transport me from point A to B.
  • It saves me with its powerful break for so many times.
  • It zooms like a lightning, this kid is not afraid of speed.
  • I love when it roars.
  • The engine is in perfect condition.
  • I feel like a mummy when I got it the first pair of rubber shoes (4 numbers).
  • The sound system is superb and looking really gorgeous.
  • Its cuteness doesn’t scare to get in anywhere and to park in any place.

It’s a special edition and it is quite special for changing my every work days and every non-work related trips. It open my senses whenever I drive. It doesn’t bore me at all. It brings more love and excitement in my life. I am very grateful and really happy. I fought for this car and it was a cash loan worth having for.

Next big purchase is definitely becoming a home owner and building that FAMILY GROUP OF COMPANIES BUSINESS. Woot woot, #life-is-good!

[1: 1,345 of 10,000] Problems Are Amazing!

In Article on September 19, 2014 at 6:39 PM

Climbing & A Bird

“The good thing about a crisis is that we become desperate – and teachable.”
– Andrew Matthews

Problem has so many positive things about it.

I know they appear to be very bad especially if I brought them all by myself like getting speeding ticket for the course of 2 weeks all because I was looking at mph instead of kph, boom dumb! Or falling helplessly in love to a committed man that won’t result to any good unless I am willing to become the greatest mistress the world has ever known. Procrastinating and hiding away from problems that have been begging my attention to be dealt with and just get over it. Maxing out a credit card and leave it to the gods that it got paid on due date, miraculously.

Problem appears challenging and heartbreaking, it really is and clears my eyes too with all those tears but it will do good if my focus is correct.

  1. It forces me to grieve and feel getting sulked up.
  2. It pushes your face down on the dirt that you can’t breathe and reach out for an air and beautiful kind of answer.
  3. It encourages you to take a different track.
  4. I don’t forget and I become learned (never again), tougher (to say enough of this shit), and kinder (I know how you feel).
  5. Opens possibilities and look at other creative way to move forward.
  6. Gives me reason to laugh out really hard!
  7. It reminds me that God is right by my side, carry me and gives me the warmest hugs and sweetest kisses.

Problem taught me to be the best that I can be!

The 3 speeding tickets proved that I got no fear to drive fast, took notice that miles per hour is sexy fast, able to contribute to Dubai’s fund, and I shall be careful not to harm others with my irresponsible speeding. Loving a married man showed that I am really capable of appreciating an imperfect man and I am able to see people for who they really are; I am over it and couldn’t wait to give my loyalty to the man I would commit my “I Do” in a proper altar. Finishing long issues could actually give a natural high and makes me feel like a superwoman. As for the credit card, I would enjoy reading all my books at home and the fancy hotel like studio apartment that my sissy and I have; that way no more spending and splurging until December.

[1: 1,344 of 10,000] Best eBook I Have Read

In Review on September 13, 2014 at 11:28 AM

how-life-works-by-andrew-matthewsI am grateful that moment directed me to buy the eBook “How Life Works” by Andrew Matthews. I encourage you to buy the eBook or if you prefer paperback, go ahead too. Disclaimer: I am not a reseller of Andrew Matthews and I also don’t get any commission for recommending him; all I get is the pleasure that I hope this eBook would touch you and show you wonders to have an amazing life from this point onward.

It’s not a magical book but how the world works with us in it is definitely ‘magical’. I am sure you have known a lot of the contents from other materials but what I am grateful that I get it and I love it. I don’t adore everything but there is so much that boozed AHAs. I am a type of person who remember things in an incredibly cray cray way but the way he combined humour, cartoon, spot on statements, cites good life examples, and research made it worked and believable.

Here are some of my favourite thoughts from the eBook –

  • The Universe is an energy system, constantly bringing itself into balance. Every time you have a thought, you shift the balance. The balance restores itself as your thoughts materialise. Whatever you put into the Universe will be reflected back to you.
  • Life unfolds from the inside out. The thoughts in your head become a FEELING in your heart. Good things happen when we are feeling good. We attract what we feel. Excitement makes things happen fast. If it’s exciting, we keep thinking about it, and attract it. Emotion sets your dream in motion. All those things that you have been feeling excited about are still moving toward you. You just need to keep the feeling until you land them in you.
  • Action is thought in motion. Action accelerates results.
  • Relax. Be grateful, forgive people, love more, quit blaming everyone else, quit blaming ourselves and believe things will work out! This is how you become a magnet for everything you want. When you feel calm and protected, you are protected. Meditate because meditation is the ultimate excessive in detachment and feeling good. The trick to the game of life is to feel happy, grateful and detached. Nature doesn’t understand desperation! Nature seeks balance, and you can’t be desperate and balanced.
  • Love is the fabric that holds the Universe together. When you are motivated by LOVE and when you are serving others, you are in harmony with the Universe and your plans unfold with much less effort. People who feel loved believe they deserve to be loved. When you find love, you are in the present. And if you can find the present, you find love.
  • We are each a divine, loving, powerful spirit in a body. When we forget this, life hurts. It is life’s way of getting us back on track. Logic will tell you, “If I accept this rotten moment I will be stuck with it forever!” In fact, the reverse is true. Acceptance allows you to move on. What happens when you accept what IS? Frustration dissolves into fascination. You still have challenges, but they resolve themselves almost effortlessly.
  • Will success make me happy? No. You have to be happy first. You have to like yourself first. Happiness makes you successful.
  • What is my goal? To think like God thinks. To love like God loves. To create like God creates.